Sunday, July 1, 2012

Daily routine to lose weight burn fat fast!

Hello guys.

Right now I'm at the gym updating this with my phone. To burn fat fast and lose weight I came up with a daily routine I do everyday.
Its simple and anyone can do it!

1. Run/jog 30mins keep a good pace to keep your heart pumping at a moderate speed.
2. Jump rope for 30 mins. This would be a HIIT (high intensity interval training). Keep a moderate speed to keep the heart pumping!

I include these 2 into my daily routine and it works!
The key isto keep the heartbeatig at a around 140-150 bpm.  This will set your body into the burning body fat calorie zone.

What routine do u use daily to burn fat fast? Let me know by commenting below!
Remember maintain that healthy diet and keep exercising!
Good luck!

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